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Bo Yue Model 200 African Rosewood Erhu

Home / Shop / Erhu Instrument / Beginner Grade Erhu / Bo Yue Model 200 African Rosewood Erhu

With factors like cost, quality, and commitment to consider, making the first initial investment into your musical journey can be a daunting decision. Look no further, for this Rosewood Erhu is sure to tick all your boxes as a beginner Erhu player! Have a look at our Erhu demo video.

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**New to Erhu? Enjoy 1 Beginner Erhu Lesson with us at only S$40, lessons can be conducted online or physical. Simply select the option below and cart out now!

Accessories & Top-ups:

Overseas CITES Application (+2 Weeks Shipping)

FREE Erhu Accessories (Worth $80) - Basic Foam Case, Bow, Damper, Fine Tuners, Rosin, Steel Wound Strings (Fitted-on)

One Beginner Erhu lesson (online/physical)

Upgrade To Dark Grey Travel Hard Case

Are you tired of those thinly padded soft cases that can't withstand the rough and bumpy journey? Meet the Erhu Travel Hard Case, a luxurious and stylish case that not only looks good, but also provides top-notch protection for your precious instrument! Built to last, with a sturdy exterior that shrugs off bumps, drops, and the toughest of knocks.

Its premium comfort features makes carrying the case around a breeze. Definitely the perfect piece for musicians or even enthusiasts who often travels with their instruments.

So whether you're a musician on the go or just an enthusiast looking for the ultimate protection for your precious instruments, prioritizing protection over and willing to accept that little added weight, the Erhu Travel Hard Case is highly recommended for you.

Upgrade To Wittner Erhu Fine Tuners

Made in Germany - these fine tuners, also known as fine adjusters, are made of nickel plated steel and extremely well crafted. Compared to normal China made fine tuners, these fine tuners are more gentle on the strings, easier to turn and also able to fine tune a greater range.

You can either purchase them in pairs or single. Select single if you only need to attach it onto one single string.

Upgrade to Pirastro Schwarz Rosin

The Black Schwarz, one of the hardest rosin of the Pirastro brand, it is very suitable for hot and humid climates and do not clump up easily. It is relatively easy to dust when applied on the bow and it produces a bright sound when played on steel strings. Although this rosin is made for violin, but it is also recommended for Erhu, Zhonghu and Gaohu as well.

Upgrade to Li Huai Gang Erhu Bow (Basic)

One of the most popular bows in the world, the Li Huai Gang bow is designed for your needs. The bow is designed with a Beijing style flexible handle and is designed to give you power with little to no restrictions when you play on it. Using the Red Bamboo, the bow is designed with a bow curvature have extra versatility that you will need, be it whether you are a beginner or a professional.

Upgrade to Li Huai Gang Erhu Bow (Premium)

An upgrade from the Li Huai Gang Bow (Basic), this Li Huai Gang bow premium quality is designed for your needs. The bow is designed with a Beijing style flexible handle and is designed to give you power with little to no restrictions when you play on it. Using Premium Red Bamboo, the bow is designed with a bow curvature have extra versatility that you will need, be it whether you are a beginner or a professional.

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A demo video of the Bo Yue Model 200 African Rosewood Erhu. Enjoy the Loud and Balanced sound of this amazing Erhu, performed by Teacher Aaron from Eight Tones Music School.